Homes, offices, shops, and all other places have bugs and insects. Some of the most commonly found insects in your homes are flies, bedbugs, mosquitoes, rats, and ants . Generally, one or two insects do not cause much damage to the home. But few insects are also capable of building colonies. Types of Pest Control Techniques There are 2 types of pest control techniques. They are as under: 1. DIY Pest Control Methods - There are many DIY methods to kill pests and bugs. You can use odorless sprays and bug killers to remove insect infestation. All you can do is spray pesticides in the points from where the pests enter your home. You can spray pesticides in the basement, garages, sinkholes, and attics. DIY methods are used when there are no large colonies of insects. These methods are unable to remove insects from the roots . They can kill insects and stop their growth for a short time. 2. Pest Control Services - You can also call professional pest control ser...